Innovation begins with a great idea?

You have an idea. And what happens next goes something like this: The idea is fleshed out. Then it's funded. Then it's enhanced, tinkered with, focus-grouped, and marketed. Then you...

The Road to Culture and Measurement

McKinsey Quarterly published an article titled ‘Culture for a digital age’ that confronts the importance of risk-taking within business in today’s quickly progressing world. The advancement of technology is driving...

Innovation Articles over time

Here are a few articles and one program I like about disruption and innovation. We debate what it means and if it exists. What worked so well for a few...

Doe or Die — Is retail innovation slow?

“It all comes back to the customer — To avoid this type of needless innovation, retailers should look to become shopper-centric in every aspect of their business” That statement 3...

Practical Innovation Concepts

I build disruptive, growth-focused businesses that leverage disruptive innovation, bleeding edge technology and simplicity focused business frameworks. In 21 years, the combination of these items has helped me grow near...

Strategyn’s Outcome-Driven-Innovation (ODI) Process & Rewired Group

These are both heavy process-driven solutions. I like them if you have the time and budget. I would rather get 80% to the final answer in minutes. According to the Strategyn website,...

Augmented Reality for Tourism

This article was written by Christopher Harrison Skinner. Proposal #1: Augmented Reality My idea for a tourism app is to use augmented reality to introduce tourists to history through their...

The Future of Tourism and how Games Will Influence How People Visit Cities

By C. Harrison J. Skinner and Christopher J. Skinner Summary Dr. Ian Yeoman (PhD Management Science, Edinburgh Napier University) hosted a quarter-hour Ted Talk titled “The Future of Tourism” in...

Jeff Bezos and the future of Amazon

Jeff Bezos tells Amazon staff he anticipates the company will fail someday, noting most large firms don’t last hundreds of years, reports CNBC; the comments came in response to a question...

How to make Venture Capital predictive

San Francisco The goal for venture capital is to return a profit. How can we improve the odds of success? Get better at improving the odds. A combination of people,...