I examined 4 million home purchases in the United StatesAnd look at a calculated psycholinguistic personality traits score based on square footage of the house.
Here are the preliminary results. In a later post, I will examine what high indexing personality traits mean based on square footage.
For houses’ owners less 1000 ft
1. Affect Words // Negative emotion // Anger
2. Relativity // Motion // motion
3. Relativity // Space // space
4. Personal Concerns // Death
5. Biological Processes // Health/illness
For houses’ owners over 4000 ft
1. Biological Processes // Body
2. Biological Processes // bio
3. Biological Processes // Health/illness
4. Social Words // Family
5. Biological Processes // Sexuality
For houses’ owners over 10,000 ft
1. Personal Concerns // Money
2. Relativity // Time
3. Cognitive processes // Cause
4. Perpetual Processes // Hearing
5. Summary Variable // Analytical Thinking
Each trait has well-defined definitions of the traits associated with each. As you can see above, many are obvious, while others might be surprising.
I have many questions myself.